
Pigs O'hoy

If pigs where pirates I doubt they would take to the sea


  1. Fun, fun, fun. My imagination cracks open like an egg whenever I visit your site. Wonderful --- as in full of wonder. I love the perspective on the boat. I also loved your "Sticky" composition.

  2. Wonderful stuff! I wonder where you get so many ideas from, where do you get your inspiration? I love the themes that run through your drawings (the Y fronts and shoes are great, the Birkenstock page made me laugh out loud!)your humour is so subtle and unexpected and makes it all the funnier. Would love to hear more about how it all developed.

  3. Thanks both, I find comedy in a lot of things and I have my favourites, (though it was a long time since I draw a Pair of decent Y-fronts), Felicity the Birkenstock sketches was made a very long time ago, fun that you found them and that you succeeded in climbing the language barrier, or maybe you speak Swedish). The development is not much to speak about they only evolve.

  4. beautiful! is this fo a book?

  5. Someday I will write a book, but I'll have to get some more time. thanks
