
Hanging show at Kaustik

This is some photos when we hanged the show, Friday. The opening was yesterday and we are very Happy with the result, I have no picture of the actual opening, but hopefully I'll get some pictures sent to me. Galleri Kaustik, Kastellgatan 19, in Göteborg Sweden. From me prints and ink drawings, from my wife (as of yesterday, managed to get married after the show! After 14 years together) Cecilia Levy pencil drawings and crocheded birds. Hippomania in the window, and Cecilia making strange faces It's soonEaster in window The reality wall with Stora Korno motive Cecilias willows Close ups of willows Some drawings, the Ark, Marina and Paris Dakkar Smaller drawings hanging in window The nightmare Cecilias city birds Parking ticket Three prints in a row And Elephantonaut And Jacdaws in conversation Erik, gallery owner And Nicklas, thanks for the help


  1. Congrats! Looks like a great place, Mattias..hope it was a success.

  2. That's so funny "Managed to get married yesterday" ... like you'd been just reeeeeealy busy for the last 14 years but last night, after a gallery opening, you managed to find 10 minutes for a wedding :-)
    Anyway, congratulations on both!

  3. They look amazing in their simple frames in that clean white space, yes, I hope it was a success! The birds are wonderful, your styles compliment each other.

  4. Another Oh - your wife must get a blog or website, her drawings are beautiful!

  5. congratulations mattias, wish i didnt live at the end of the world so i could visit ur expo, hope everything goes awesome, cheers man

  6. Congratulations to both of you!

  7. Congratulations! The exhibition looked great! Hope to be able to visit you on your next one :)Congratualtions aswell to you both, husband and wife!


  8. Congratulations on your recent marriage! I've been following this blog for a while now, and it's one of my favorites. Great drawings!

  9. Thanks all, everything whent as planned I managed to say yes at the right moment, and there was a lot of people, (and friends of old) at the show. I'll keep bogging my wife about starting blogging, then we'll do nothing but blogging in the family.

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Hey Mattias your white balance is waaaay off ;)

    They didn't look near as yellow in real life.

  11. Thanks Martin, Your balance is hard to beat

  12. Yes hes got that special "Je nais se qua" quality

  13. The exhibition looks amazing - especially love the trees...
