
Antique pigs

Janus, roman god of door and peace Pallas Athena Poseidon Herakles And our friend, Sisyphus, we who work with computers know how he feels. Next post on Monday have a nice weekend :o)


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    That Janus pig with the two faces remindes me a description of the ancient human beings in one of Platos dialogues, one about eros and love. I think its called Symposium in english.

  2. Anonymous2:04 AM

    *sigh - all dressed up and nowhere to go...

  3. Fabulous! Can I nominate Sisyphus as the patron saint of computing? (A saint in the pagan god sort of way, I suppose.)

  4. The funny thing about symposium is that it originally meant drinking party. Janus is the one original Roman god I think, all the other was imported from Greece. A pagan saint is the only saint I would accept ;o). Thanks

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    These are hilarious and so well drawn! I love your skewed, dry sense of humor. I was in Goteborg in late November, early December and made quite a few sketches there. Sweden is my second favorite country to visit---it might even be my favorite, but, alas, I can't practice my French there ;D.

  6. haha. These are all wonderful.


  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Mattias, i hope the D's movie is good too. I love the music. in fact i'm listening to it now! :D
    as for cat food, i generally give her dry food as well, and only once in a while i give her juicy stuff, so that she doesn't get bored. I got unlucky this time. :) i usually buy the sachets instead of cans, but oh well :D rsrs i visit you often here, even if i don't comment much. thank you for visiting me :)

  8. Man, I love your sketches!!... You have a fresh style...... n i really dig the way you put human expressions so effortlessly on to animals! (they make me laugh everytime!) : )

  9. Hahahahaha

    Cool drawings and amazing style!

    Love it!!


  10. These are awesome... man, I am so lazy... gotta use my watercolours MORE!!!
