

Didn't have time to produce new stuff as we're crunching at work so here's some old stuff. Freedom: Short put: The bad looser, (remember winning isn't everything) I have newer stuff for tomorrow if I have time to scan, if not I'll dig up something half-stale from the vault :0)


  1. Your doodles have so much personality! The one at the bottom looks like an everyday scene from my son's bedroom!

  2. Thanks Felicity, it's amazing how much they can play isn't it?

  3. the bottom one reminds me of a couple of friends i have... nice job!

  4. LOL!! that blue and yellow underwear kills me!
    I'm glad your posting old stuff - since i've never seen it, it's new to me!

    Thanks for making me laugh first thing this morning!

  5. I like to post new things as it keeps me evolving, but sooner or later I'll have to focus on something real, but until then I'll keep producing. Thanks for your comments

  6. I like your style! very original

  7. i am the bad loooser!!! it looks just like me ... when i get my ass kicked . great stuff man

  8. Awesome!!!!I love your style!!!

  9. I´m in love with the machines, the houses and the animals that you draw

  10. The Goat Jet has to be my favorite. You've taken doodling to a completely new level. I really enjoyed looking through your stuff old and new.

  11. (get ready for strange english 'cause i'm from Argentina)
    There is such beauty in your works, Mattias, I spend several minutes each day watching every detail on the inkings of your buildings and machines and wandering how you made them, how can you perceive things and make them take those awsome shapes.

    Why do I have to just wander about that? 'cause, like your doodles, I liked so much to spend my time with games instead of doing something else. Pitiful addiction.

  12. Thanks Pablo, Ken, Alfredo, Alexei, Dibujador, Dave, El Feto, Joy, Jon and Felicity. I used to play quit a lot to, but after becoming part of the game industry I tend not to play any Games.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE the videogame playing one - well all of them rock. But that one is just awesome!
