
Yesterday was our last deadline at work, and it looks like we nailed it. Last month the working pace has been murder, hope I will be able to finish some personal and semi-personal projects now. I'll post some moleskine sketches from dead time at work. The Sore loser On hair and men traffic


  1. You must know my husband, he's just like the guy with the numbers in his head! Can it be that men are just as vain as women? Great drawings, all of them. I like your solution to traffic congestion!

  2. all bald men are destined to be geniouses ... great theory ..cuz hair does take a lot of time ...comb it n thinking about it n stuff

    great pigs as usual the giant one sure is scary. cheers

  3. My husband too has little hair up there and I believe they possess more knowledge and are less vain than the average guy. I love the way you illustrated this subject.

    We seem to be in the same ball park on traffic. I have been trying to get my husband to install a semi truck horn in my car.

    Wonderful drawings that gave me many giggles.

