
Confession of a googleholic

I tremble with excitement when a new thingy comes from google, I even use the spreadsheet reader, (how sexy is a spreadsheet). The picture might have nothing at all to do with google, but how can you not like a company that has the motto "don't be evil", well I figure that someday they will be, evil that is (or are they already?).


  1. HA ! HA !! Your drawing are too much fun!!

  2. Is that really their motto?? Spreadsheets? Had no idea there was such a thing, you really must be a googleholic! I thought these guys must be Google employees going through the files for the search results?

  3. Spreadsheets? you have to show us Mattias.

  4. Well the spreadsheet things are not that exciting, but the word-processor, the viewer, for keeping in touch with all the great blogs, the analytics etc etc, they never stop. Listened to a bbc documentary about google, and they used it in the company, if they use it outwards I don't know.

  5. hello out there,

    you can take a closer look here ... reading this and tests about it I really think, Mattias, you are really, really into Google ;-)

  6. allright .. that link was way too long ;-)

  7. no problemo peter, I'm already a user, thanks ;)

  8. Anonymous4:44 PM

    they are evil! they are self sensoring in china! which i guess is better than handing over dissident's names and addresses to the chinese govt... ok so they're the lesser of two evils in china.. but that's still evil
    but i know what you mean, google is so indispensable...

  9. Yes china, that's pretty evil, it's sad no big company can be all good
