
Vienna, work in progress

I'm working on an illustration for a music magazine, the theme being Vienna a city I unfortunately haven't visited. The closest to Vienna I've been is when I saw the third man. Any suggestions of buildings I shouldn't miss are welcome, I've got a lot of space left as you can see. Please, if you got an urge for change try to use my poll on the left here, and see if there's a change on the blog) And Jason got a rather interesting post on his blog today, you know how utterly puritan we Swedes are, I blame Luther.


  1. You didn't put a box for 'all of the above'! I like the mix of different things you have already. Photos would be interesting (because I'm nosy!)
    It's great to see your work in progress.

  2. Thanks Felicity. I'll see about photos maybe on my Flickr space. I'd like to have more time to do life studies, but as it is, it's rather hard finding the time. (the worlds oldest excuse)

  3. I have lots of photos of Mattias at work.. *evil laughter*

  4. Vienna's got some really interesting rooftop "interventions", like this one (architect link here.) It's kinda like a bug crawling over the parapet.

  5. Thanks, John will check it out

  6. I've been to Vienna once, I remember this amazing metal structure building...that's all I've got Mattias, and the Opera of course.

  7. Hi Mattias,
    looks great! Is it ink or some kind of fineliner? Or what else?
    Your blog has a new fan!

  8. thanks. Stef I'll see if I can press in a opera somewhere.
