
Wellington hübris

For all my adult life I've (as many other city dwellers) not dressed according to climate. Gothenburg is notorious for it's rainy weather, but still people chose shoes as livening in Tuscany. This has made it hard to move with dignity, to be frank, my prancing between puddles wouldn't have brought me a starring lead in "the dirty dozen" And the end result was alway pure Bergman Angst as your feet always ended up wet. Swallowing my pride I bought me a pair of rubber boots, (and a raincoat and rain pants) It's hard to describe the hesitation I felt initially, the urge to prance almost took me over. But a new feeling took over when my brain noticed that I still was dry, even after I'd enter a mighty puddle. First the feeling was relief... To gradually turn into something different, the feeling of pure power.. And that's why you better stay clear of Gothenburg when it's raining..


  1. Brilliant! I'm always tempted to say this is your best yet, but I'd have to say that every day! BTW, I went to Iceland last year and realised that it's easy to spot them too, they're the ones wearing summer sandals in the driving rain, not the tourists!

    (And the day I buy rain pants is the day I'm ready to be put in a home!)

  2. Thanks Felicity, your support warms me. Don't know if i like the feeling of power when I bike home in my rain pants, I think I'm unbreakable. I might get to cocky, and take on an eighteen wheeler.

  3. Welligtons makes me feel immune! love it!

  4. Maybe I should have kept it a secret, soon everybody will be wearing them

  5. Out here in South Africa we have wet summers on the Highveld - so it's slops and shorts in the rain. Yeeha!

  6. Sounds great Jason, still waiting for your 100th post

  7. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I tried wearing Wellingtons here in Italy but I had to stop because every guy used to look at them, think I'm swedish and try to make out with me
    (it's a known thing that italian boys always try to make out with swedish girls on holiday)

  8. It's the same thing with Italian girls and Swedish boy's at least the ones that have the guts to go around with wellies, we are a rare bread we Wellington touting men.

  9. Anonymous1:40 PM

    hi mattias, i'm laughing my head off about this. i have a great understanding about this problem growing up in the north of germany amidst the most awful weather at times. this question has been my daily challenge for years!! however i decided years ago to stay dry and warm and for your health i'm glad you did too. a regular around here: teenage girls in belly-free shirts at freezing temperatures - that seems to be the female version of the italian shoes frenzy :)

  10. Thanks Anne, for a lot of years I've marveled that people didn't wear something on their head when the temperature dropped belove zero (centigrades that is, graded by Celsius fellow Swede) Then the fashion changes and now they have caps on their head even if it's summer.

  11. You are so funny and brilliant - as always.

    I wore my suède shoes today, not the best choice. I think I'm going to get my self a pair of wellingtons too. Maybe I'll meet you again some rainy day :-)


  12. You'll never regret it Lena, nice meeting you, sorry about you're mans hair though, maybe time will fix it ;)

  13. ahahah that long umbrella killed me, great post man i really felt the urge to get me some rubber boots but they r kindda useless here cuz all weve got is a fat old sun

    cheers great post:)

  14. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Three cheers for your Wellies! I'm hugly guffawing!

  15. Thanks Alfredo, hope you got some rain sometime. Thanks Lindsay

  16. Hahaha!!!
    Brilliant as always!!!!

  17. wonderful storyline which would definetly work without any words ;-)

    as riding a bike I have the same problem without touching the feet on the ground ;-) the later in the year one more and more looks as an being about to hike the himalaya ;-)

  18. One thing I learned at work (I work in a kindergarden) is to enjoy the puddles. I wear rubber boots from august till november, and there are few things that are as fun as jumping in a puddle or two on the way home from work :-)

    Love your drawings, as always.

    :-) Plask

  19. HA ! HA !! WIcked fun!! U rock!

  20. Great storytelling Mattias, mal=ke me wants to get some rubber boots.

  21. Haha. Nice work numero uno.


  22. Thanks for your comments, it's nice to at last enjoy puddles ;o)

  23. I keep saying that illusion is all and weather is nothing! You prove me right :)

  24. Anonymous1:33 PM


  25. Anonymous4:05 PM

    This is great. I am always surprised when I see silly people still wearing flip-flop sandals in November. November! It was 10-degrees c yesterday and these kids (college students) have their coats and hats, and sandals! Summer's over.
