
Why we blog

What's your reason?


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    to make sure I keep creating. and because I can show my creations to "the world" as soon as they’re ready.

  2. that's pretty close to my reasons, apart from fame and riches

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Funny, funny, funny. Even my cat enjoyed these drawings.

    I blog in order to share with other artists. I'm fascinated with Paris in the 1920's. It seemed that all the artists were poor and bohemian. They visited each other's ateliers and drank espresso. It was a way of feeling the influence of other people's styles.

    In that that way they formed something big. The whole was greater than the sum of the smaller parts. There was an "x" factor. I see art blogging to be the same thing.

    OK, now where's my damn espresso?

  4. Paris has had that position for a long time during the whole 19th century as well, I gather that New York have taken that position during the 20th century, maybe not with that inter action. Sometime I can despair of the amount of great blogs, they start to muddle to me, and I've not been reading and blogged for more than 5 month yet.

    Thanks Potato Print, you must be up early?

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Hehe, I love the queen illustration ^_^

    Personally I blog as a social thing, my friends are spread accross the world and I like the thought they can find me alive somewhere out there.

    Finding and watching new people's experiences and interpretations are fun too.

  6. To keep drawing because I can be quite lazy (!), fame and riches (just riches would be acceptable) and maybe Lindt will discover I'm an ambassador for their chocolate and will shower me with their Truffle Cake bars in gratitude!

  7. Anonymous9:00 PM

    In a way, to validate what i do, share the good and the not-so-good, and have people stop by and chat -- from all over the world. Did you draw these with a fountain pen?

  8. aww poor ol coco ... i just have one to sort of keep a journal but not a dear diary one ...

    i keep one mainly to see how i advance through the months... and art needs feedback ... wether is just trash or unjustified love it really helps u in ur next work.

  9. Please tell me where to sign up for the riches. I'll leave the fame for someone else. Thanks.

    I blog because I want to be able to publish images. I like to have a place where people can go to see what I've done. Nice for friends and family, and ... a way to meet people from other places who might be interested in some of the same things that interest me.

    -- Vicki in Michigan

  10. Hey mattias, this is very funny! I love this ape-man(?)!

    My daily-comic-blog is my daily kick in the ass to keep in practice. ;-) (I'm afraid I'm addicted.)

  11. Thanks for all your nice comments, and the apeman Coco for clarification do have a blog, it's not public yet.

  12. For attention, what else :)

  13. I've made mine "Why we blog".

  14. Anonymous8:08 PM

    To conquer the world! :-)

  15. Anonymous8:19 PM

    To conquer the world! :-)
