
COCO in Love

Cocos work had taken a bad turn, he'd stopped out his typical magic stuff. Everything was dark and gloomy not with the Adolfsson esprit. I pressed him a little and the truth started to sip out. Strolling in the Park he suddenly saw the most beautiful thing he ever saw. Coco lost his heart. Her name was Coca, she was a show girl with yellow feather in her hair... They talked for hours... Until Coca's boyfriend came. Coco's heart broke in two... Coco will never sing again he says, and his art will forever be dark To be continued.....


  1. Oh no! How can this be? Coco and Coca even have matching boots ... they are obviously sole-mates!

    (Does that joke translate?)

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    can't wait for the next chapter!

  3. Anonymous11:54 PM

    this is so cute!!! Your whole blog is awesome!!

  4. Anonymous12:02 AM

    wow...I LOVE your art. its so charming and simple. Made me smile.

  5. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Amazing Swedish Guy,

    You have taken me on such a vast emotional journey in just five frames. I felt so hopeful just 45 seconds ago, now my heart is heavy in my chest.

    Excellent drawings. They look effortless.

  6. Everything would have turned out just fine if you would have let Coco borrow your Elvis outfit. Including the wig. No one can resist that.

  7. In the last frame, with her glance back to Coco, I see there's hope in her eyes... Perhaps...

  8. Hashi: not to Swedish I'm afraid, but I get it in English :)
    We will see what happens, at the moment Coco is very depressed though, only love can break your heart.
    Sorry I can't lend him my Elvis suit, he's allergic to jump suits.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Poor Coco, this is terrible! How could Coca fall for a big ape like that and leave Coco heartbroken? We Coco nuts need a happy ending!

  10. chicks..

    They ruin EVERYthing!

    good grief....

  11. Felicity: Well I can't promise you a hollywood ending, but I'll hope for the best.
    Jason: But what would the world be without all the chicks?

  12. HAHAHA!!OH this is so cute dude!!!COCO and COCA!!!I love it!!!pr

  13. I like your inks!! Your style is so personal, awesome.

  14. Ooooh ... pooor little things, that's very sad ... *Snif Snif* can't wait for the next chapter.

  15. ahaahha great plot ..cocas boyfrien is killer man , awesome

    yet coco has lost his faith in himself since those days when he spoke of himself in 3rd person

    cheers mattias lookin foward 4 the next chapter

  16. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Oh my God! I keep my fingers crossed for Coco and Coca


  17. Let's hope for the best for Coco, the he draw these day depresses me

  18. Just found your wonderfull blog.
    Considering your post from 2006.12.03, I am glad you didn´t stop drawing.

  19. Thanks PMBC, I'll keep it up for some more years I think
