
the missing link

The pragmatist, and the cricket and the bullfly For the more text interested of you can pop over to Design Inspiration for a short (of, with?) me. Sometime I feel very un-English.


  1. Interesting interview, congrats on being featured! I wouldn't worry about the English, very few of the native speakers have mastered it (me included)!

  2. i know this is a stupid question, but where DO you get the inspiration to think of the things you draw? or were you born this way :)? in awe...

  3. HA ! !HA !! THese are wicked fun!! Can't wait to see Coco and Coca's little monkeys :)

  4. It was great to read your interview! Love you blog and illustrations/sketches. I check it everyday. They are just fabulous!

  5. These drawings rock! Gotta love the moleskine

  6. thanks Felicity, I know some englishmen can be pretty picky when someone butcher their language.
    Soo: I don't know it's my way of letting of steam, thanks
    Thanks Alina, soon there will be some Coco,
    thanks Jeff and meesimo
