
Compact living


  1. Another delightful piece. I wonder how often I can say that before it gets tired.

    Where we may differ is that as I look at this I try to reason out the apparent anachronisms and the daily life here. In which house, I wonder, do the Vikings, whose vessel I see here, live in and why so many cars on this small dock with two thin planks as a bridge. I enjoy the picture but I still wonder.

    On a vaguely similar subject, I was out yesterday in my wading boots replacing my rickety footbridge across a brook behind my house. Without it I can't roam the fields with the deer and turkeys.

  2. You sure live more scenic then we do, not much turkeys around, quite a lot of innercity roe deers (like bambi, not sure of the name).

  3. This is obviously a bachelor pad!

  4. The last haven for malekind ;)

  5. Den var fin. Det liknar nästan Muminhuset. / Måns
