
Off to Paris

This will be my last post for about a week, of to a bus trip To Paris and Disneyland. Hope you all have a nice week. Decided to photo of my material, (I get quite a lot of mail asking for it and I've posted about it before), this is what I use to do my drawings. A montblanch meisterstück and a namiki falcon. I Load the Montblanc with montblanc ink, and the Namiki with American Eel from noodlers


  1. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Bon voyage! I've been in disneyworld, and its great!!! Try the julio verne's trip to the moon (this is not for little kids)!!

    Your kids are gonna love the whole place...

  2. Hey, I was right, the Jules Verne ride is there. That's for the pictures of your tools. I miss working with a fountain pen. These look nice. Oh, and ditto on the bon voyage.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Mer Urax än Urax!

  4. I always love to see what artist's use. Hope you all have a good trip!

  5. Your little sketches of Asta are wonderful. I like the idea of easily portable tools. You're like an artist on an expedition.

  6. I love seeing what other people carry. Great post! Have a great trip

  7. Anonymous11:22 AM

    kul att se vad du använder dig av när du tecknar! såna bilder får man aldrig för många av.

    ha det gott i paris. ska bli spännande att se vad du får för inspiration därifrån!

  8. Again… your works are really beautiful. I admire the amount and the quality of the things that you do.

  9. Have a great trip!! BTW, always mean to thank you for the mont blanc epn recommendation. I just get one to replace my old pen, it works beautifully!! :)

  10. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Hi, I have tagged you!

  11. I hope you have a nice trip Mattias, I'm sure your kids will.

    I hope you don't mind, but since I knew you'd be away, I let myself into your house and ate any perishable items that might go bad while you are gone. I went ahead and threw some away some herring that I found, it smelled really bad, or maybe it's SUPPOSED to smell like that, I'm not sure...

  12. I was going to write about how weird I am because I loved seeing your pens.
    But after reading everyones comments it turns out I'm not that weird after all. Either that or everyone's just as weird as me.

    The word verification thing spells "hunie" nice.

  13. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Your sketches this time is as fantastic as Disneyland. Nice. Happy day at Disney!

  14. I need to spend more time here. These are great.


  15. Anonymous4:09 AM

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  16. Anonymous8:06 PM

    made with Montblanc or not..great furry dog.
