
Refuse to be a prisoner of reality

Introducing the brand new vanishing point 700, the only self propelled reality enhancer on the market today. Tired of reality? This reality could be yours! to be able to stroll through the most scenic place on earth Choose amongst our wide selection of altered realities Order today and we'll send, as an extra bonus, audiotapes to go with your choice of reality!


  1. order OA

    1 pc vanishing point 700
    to be delivered to Sigtuna a.s.a.p.
    It's just what I've been looking for.

  2. Do you want our new, Sigtuna of the future scroll as well?

  3. Fantastiskt. Tänk vilken trevlig och spännande promenad jag kan få till jobbet sen. Väldigt svårt att bestämma vilken bara. Paketpris om man tar allihop? / Syster

  4. Ja paketpris kan diskuteras!

  5. Mattias, you really are a genius!

    Do you have any idyllic beach scenes, or a swanky shopping street? I can see some money saving benefits here! (Love the Corbusier, btw!)

  6. Or might I be so bold to propose our newly released, Chocolate city? it's even smells of chocolate!

  7. Ten of your marvelous Vanishing Point 700's please, each with a full set of altered realities.

    The check is in the mail.

  8. Business is booming, ten vanishing points coming to a mailbox near you!

  9. I must have one as well - do you have any moonscape scrolls?

  10. Wonderful idea tomorrow I shall take the day off work and set to work making my own vanishing point 700. Using old issues of playboy.

    The word verification thing is spelling eivpa.
    Sounds french.

  11. mfbbqMy wife and I spend a good time looking your works.
    Its delicious principaly your constructions and the constructions over the human body like hats.
    You are so creative !
    And it's fun too...
    (pardon pour mon pauvre english)
    But my english doesn't stopped my words...

  12. Mattias,

    ASAP, I need a version each for a cat and dog. A nice mice motif for the kitty and frisbees for the dog. And I need something for a hawk now too.

    It's good to have you back.

  13. Excellent project :)! You're truly a genius.

  14. Dear Mattias, i love your works, your drawings are great and your characters are very funny.
    I have a blog too And i would like to have a title like yours. With an image. How could u do it?

  15. Hi and thanks for your comment
    check this link:
    it was a long time ago I did it can't remember myself, but I think it was quite complicated

    thanks !

  16. Wooo, want a great idea!! Love the perspective!! and the loooooong page of drawings!!
