
Holiday countdown

Just one week until I go on Holiday, ( I will work three more days on my current work), I'm switching work as we're moving from Gothenburg after our Holiday. Moving means that you have to take stock of all your possessions, not only did I have a lot of things before my blogging days but after... This is part of the stuff I've been forced to produced to feed my blog. Have a nice weekend everybody.


  1. That's a lot of work we forced you to produce but who said you could have a holiday? ;)

  2. Feed the Blog! Feed the Blog! Feed the Blog! Feed the Blog! Feed the Blog!

    And yeah, what's this nonsense about your going on holiday? Feed the Blog!

    Oh, and have a nice holiday!

  3. Ah ... holiday ... lucky you! Mine's three weeks away. Too far away to start thinking of. But we have booked our hotel in Vimmerby. Thought that might be a good idea!

    Enjoy your holiday!

  4. Ja du, nu när semestern är så nära är det svårt att behålla fokus på arbetet, i mitt fall kan det bli lite jobbigt då jag arbetar på en förskola och ej har råd att tappa fokus för en sekund...
    Ha en grym semester och kom utvilad och skaparsugen tillbaka!

  5. thanks och tack, only five days left, I'm getting stressed already

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    men vad tusan bubbla! Skall du lämna Sveriges framstjärt? Då blir jag ledsen! buh buh...

  7. Ja tillbaks till bakvattnet!
