
Behavioural programming

The format of the moleskine sketchbook have problems with the blog format but nothing a little cut a paste can fix It's harder to fix my English though


  1. I visit here to admire your artwork, and though your English is not perfect, you communicate well. English is the only language I understand, so you are far ahead of me with both language and art.

    Love the bewigged character and his robot counterpart.

    FYI, typos:
    The format of the moleskine sketchbook have [has] problems with the blog format
    but nothing a little cut a [and] paste can [cannot] fix

    And, I had to correct four typos I made in my first paragraph above. So, you win.

  2. I think your use of the English is utterly charming. Don't change a word of it! (And of course, I absolutely love your artwork.)

  3. That robot rocks! Or rather...waltzes?

  4. Your English is perfectly understandable, and whatever problems you may have work in your favor I think (the "charming" factor - as Rachelle said).

    It seems you are troubled by the format of your moleskin, as you have mentioned it a number of times. Just a thought, but maybe you could treat each page as a seperate drawing, yet have the facing pages work together as a theme. Or just keep doing what you're doing - looks great.

  5. I'm just browsing through all your old posts (I just found your site today), and I don't really have any idea if you'll ever read this, but I love this picture, too! Another one I'd love to buy a poster of :)
