
Coco and Coca: the pups goes astray

Cocina and Martillo, Coca and Cocos pups has grown since last we saw them They have grown teeth They have learned how to use scissors Martillo and Cocina has learned how to walk They have learned how to climb and they have developed an interest in fast motorcycles They have learned to play with our Chippendale heard As every nigh Coco or Coca reads for the pups But one morning Cocina and Martillo where gone We searched everywhere Soon we found out that they had escaped into Sigtuna proper, a town full of danger We asked the Police We asked at the sports center We searched the petting zoo we searched by the Triumph arch we asked at the circus and we looked around the temple of Electricity But they where nowhere to be found, just one place was left to search.. A place where even the SPD (Sigtuna Police Department, known for their toughness) dare not enter the Sigtuna waterfront... what has happened to the pups? to be continued...


  1. Oh heck! I hope they're alright.

    My Mum likes your work now.


    don't usually put kisses in blog comments

  2. good to meet again coco and coca !
    but what will happen…

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Nu bultar mitt hjärta för snabbt igen! Mon dieu vad jag älskar dej!

  4. More, more, more!!! What happened to the pups... :(?

  5. OOH! I forgot to have breakfast.

  6. oh no! i hope it will all work out...

  7. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I have fallen in love with Coco and Coca. I have just recently found your blog and so had to go back and read older posts to learn all about them. What a wonderful story! I hope the pups are okay!

  8. i like THIS kind of comic!

  9. Thanks all, I'm putting together the conclusion now

  10. You should do children's books.

  11. Oh my! Where are they?
    This tale is fantastic!
    You´re a great professional. Have you edited something? I´d like to buy it!

  12. Oh no!!!Where they are?
    Cool!More please!!!

