
Paper animals

Just trying out some new paper (Archer 300gr), this works great with Noodlers ink, it's abit rougher than my usual paper and with a more whitish hue than Sunders Waterford (my regular paper) but the ink dries faster.


  1. I love the teeth on those mean white ones.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Yes, the white dogs are great (and so are their teeth..)

  3. Anonymous6:00 PM

    That’s great, I love it. I also use sometimes the Archer's paper, and it’s indeed great with Noodlers ink. Contrary to yours, my Sunders Waterford paper dries very slow, it must be the ink, I can find another explanation (I’m not always use the Noodlers ink). The white dogs are so funny, they look like monsters. I love the shadows that you made for them. I’m trying to draw a lion for my nephew, he begs for me to do it, because he wants a painting of lion on his wall, and I’m the only one in the family that has some ability for paint. I hope that it will come out good. I’ll feel bad if he will be disappointed. Wish me luck!!

  4. so cute, is really nice for me, i like this!
