
Magnetic fishes

I've been reading "the Meaning of the 21st Century" by James Martin this summer, amongst a lot of other insight I got reading this book is that in order to ensure a sustainable fish population at least 20% of the oceans needs to marine protection areas. On the small Island that I spend my summers (my fathers birth place) used to be filled with all kinds of fish, and as a youth we ate fish almost everyday, now the sea is almost devoid of fish (well you can still get herring and mackerel). I hope that the countries of the world can get together and solve this and the other large problems our worlds are heading at. To solve part of the problem I've designed some magnetic fishes specially designed to destroy the fleet of "Supertrawlers" (floating fish industries): Karpatron Sargassotron Roby Dick


  1. I fully support and applaud this idea. Roby Dick in particular seems utterly worthwhile.

  2. I support this idea too, of course...

  3. I liked Roby Dick, I just saw "Nim's Island", not a good movie, but I did like the iron whale she had hanging in the sealing, it was cut like a piece of bread so it moved in the wind. Reminded me of this one.

  4. That is so true ! Future will be a different place to be.
    However, Roby Dick is lovely.

  5. freakin' awesome!! :) *droool*

  6. bello bello bellooOOOOOOOO!!!!!
    I LOVE YOU!!!*°*
