
Birthday cake

I hadn't planned to start coloring this piece, but I felt I wanted the next week clean for other projects. Well I will probably not finish it until Monday anyway. Hey for this one I used pencil, it speeds up the process a little. Will have to let it dry before I put color on this one


  1. hey there! i really2 do love your illustration in picture that you have drawn. its really cool!! can you tell me about arts or something like that because i think you are a master of it :) hahahha i'm indonesian just for you know. and do u have MSN messger or yahoo? nice to know you

  2. wow. you work really hard. I would become a mess! very original

  3. heheheh awesome

  4. thanks all, but I don't know any secrets of art.

  5. I loved the uncoloured version but I love it even more now. It's so clever! Can't wait to see the finished version.

  6. Unbelievably detailed!

    The "house creatures" look mammoth. You're able to render size and scale quite well.

    What a wonderful world it must be inside that head of yours, Mattias!

