
Lottery Winners

Finally the lottery is over! 295 participants from all over the world, I'd love to give out 295 drawings but the cost of the stamps would ruin me for sure. 10 winners all drawn from my old trusty hat by my daughters:Everything is random I can assure you, but even that didn't hinder that one of the winners was a close relative to me! The winners name is under the actual price, If you are a winner and haven't got a mail please contact me so I can send the price to you. Steve G Corien

joseph's art and stuff



Illyana Delorean Mark Leggett Luis Enrique Cuellar



  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    You rule Mattias. Thanks so much, it will have an awesome home here on my wall in New Zealand!

  2. MATTIAS,I did not get one but I will be here for the 2000th post!

  3. Congratulations to all the winners. What a wonderful gesture on your part Mattias.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. HA! Jag som aldrig brukar vinna i lotterier - denna vinst passar perfekt till mitt motto Ska det va' så ska det va'. Stormförtjust!

    Du behöver förstås inte skicka, utan jag kan hämta vid tillfälle.

  6. yes, incredibly generous of you Mattias! Note: If postage is all your worried about, I'd be happy to cover that! :)

    thanks again - great work!

  7. ...och hälsa döttrarna att de skötte lottdragningen exemplariskt!

  8. Hello,

    I am Blisskat and I can't believe my name is under one of your wonderful pictures.
    What do I have to do now - and wow, thanks so much. Overwhelmed :)

  9. yay! i am so excited that i won - and such a sexy drawing :)

    i am going to email you now, but i wanted to comment that my real name is mary, just so you know that the person emailing you isn't pretending to be me. thanks again!!!

  10. this is so cool, excited about winning as well. sent you an email... my name on it is seretomlinson. thanks!

  11. sweeeet, I can't wait to get it framed and hung on my wall!
