
the Marble church

Made this while in Copenhagen last weekend, spent this Saturday running in Lidingö (I managed to run 6 seconds faster than Börje Salming, Swedish hockey legend) and was so tired yesterday .that I didn't manage to blog.

Poor dental hygiene

I started doing a drawing on this spread while waiting for my plane from Copenhagen (I had been bumped and had to wait an additional two hours, thanks for that SAS). For once I really was unhappy with the start so when I got home I used black ink to cover it and made this (sorry mother, she hates when I draw skeletons).


Comets are a reoccurring theme in my sketchbooks (they are part of my no inspiration themes) Here is the spread just before I splashed all the colors of the page, it really made the paper curl...

As easy as ABC

This is a Swedish Alphabet, we didn't use to have the W (not when I went to school anyway) and sporting 3 extra characters.


I've just come home from three days in Copenhagen where I participated in the TH!NK ABOUT IT, one day of speaks on climate change and it's effects and one day visiting Dyssekilde Eco Village, a Danish Eco village. Here's a short film from the village (it look's a bit like the village in Lords of the rings). I expect to find angles on global warming in my blog (not exactly sure how at the moment)


Still in Copenhagen.... and still having my robot block, I hope to shake it off while in Copenhagen, isn't that was Copenhagen is all about?

The Sweet sound of your own voice

I'm going to Copenhagen today to participate in TH!NK ABOUT IT an ongoing blogging competition (81 blogger selected world wide) leading up to the big Meeting on Climate change later this year.

Sexy skull droid

Parrobot Piganoid Personal treadmill Big tooth robot Nosferatobot Was all out of inspiration yesterday and all that came out of my pen was more Robots.

Dogs are us

Our dog is to be trimmed today, it will be nice to yet again see her eyes...

the cute booby trap

Some more Robots, I won't make it a habit

William Morris I salute you

I get quite a lot of comments on wallpapers when I do this kind of things, I'd love to be able to do wallpapers or textiles someday . I always think of William Morris while doing trees even though his bird tended to be less evil.

sure we tolerate you, just don't turn it in to a habit

Not sure if I will add some water to this spread.


remember one hopelite no army makes...

Die Weltwoche

Magazine cover made for Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche

Pink is the new black

and as I have no spine Pink is what I'll wear...

Reexplaining the company policy

Our dog woke me up at 4 AM this morning demanding to go for a walk, I thought it was a bad idea but she persuaded me with some really well thought out arguments.


Part of a commission work I've been doing this weekend. I had to switch to digitals color though (the horror)

Make food not war

Makes life in the kitchen more exciting

It's only rock'n'roll

the designer and this will take you to space still tinkering with a little story book, the actual story will probably not be revealed here (not yet anyway)


Inspired by the Electric Dylan controversy.