
The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true

I was looking in a book on Dürer's drawings in one piece he had made a couple of chalices, that inspired me to do this. And remember: the pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon...


  1. i love the way the the two prisoners on the stem stare abstractly out and the animals chew on their bonds and the philosophical and smirky expressions on the captured chalice folk and the 'chalice kill' sort of splattered spread-eagle on the base! Very retro Durer!

  2. dogs on base are great

  3. Shouldn't one of the faces be Danny Kaye?

  4. I love this! The poem made me laugh and I also realized that I would never remember it and probably drink from the poisoned chalice.

  5. That's right Roadchick. If you rent "the court jester" with Danny Kaye you will see that this mnemonic can be a dangerous thing...
