
I've got eight arms...

and I'm not afraid to use them, revisiting the character I did for my daughters map.

Mattias unfiltered

I just got an advance copy of Mattias unfiltered, a book coming the 2 October on BOOM! Studios
Filled with sketchbook drawing from the last couple of years.
It can be pre-ordered from various online sources
For example on Amazon

Random science

Turing test
Doppler effect

Just a prop

Theatre prop
I did this map for my daughters theatre show, not sure if it will be visible but I had some fun doing it.

the Curiosity Rover

A little late perhaps, missing the hype as per usual.

Forgetting the correct direction

Once in a while this happens when I draw in my sketchbook

Forgetting what's up and whats down

Smarter Storage

Illustration made for IBM System Magazine the article is about storage...

Test flight

Take flight, the interior might be here.