
Teaching a fox the secrets about drawing

Off to Moscow I will hold a three day workshop at Bratec Lis School. I held two last year and had a great time so I'm really looking forward to it.

Norwegian State Railways illustration

Finished commission piece I did a couple of weeks ago. The illustration is for NSB (Norwegian State Railways) the ad agency is Pol Oslo. It clocked in just under 70 hours worth of drawing and painting. 

ink pencil and sheet

WIP for NSB (Norwegian State Railways: the ad agency is Pol Oslo (

Train sketch

This is the first sketch for a commission work I did a couple of weeks ago. The illustration is for NSB (Norwegian State Railways) the ad agency is Pol Oslo

Train wreck

More commuter train doodling

Record collection

Instant Gratification from Dance Gavin Dance out today

Catalan modernism

Just back from Barcelona, such a nice town and thanks to Lapin and family for inviting us for a nice barbecue.

Books, books books

Off to my publisher for some signing duty, there are only a couple of hundred copies left now and to celebrate that we are adjusting the price (the dollar is very strong against the krona) the new price is 38$ for the second in line and 33$ for the larger than line (if you have ordered the last couple of days we will send an extra bonus in the packet): buy here: