
Mattias Shoowroom #3, at home

I've stopped using this suit in public as it's frank male sensuality tended to over excite people. My pygmé elephants though seem to handle it, they are not that easily agitated.


  1. I have the Adolfsson syndrome!
    Great stuff on your blog.

  2. Nice elephants - did you raise them yourself, a la bonsai?

  3. Thanks Thomas, great sketches:)
    Jason, the method is an old falmily secret I can't go further into the method, but your half-way there. Is it time for your 100 post tomorrow then?

  4. You should be congratulated on your services to the public! But still, it's admirable that a man is not afraid to show his more masculine side, perhaps you should re-consider?

  5. I shall reconsider when society is ready for such pure manliness! In a century or two!

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    one of these days you'll have to rethink your crazy life... or you might get the gout.
    Baroque to the extreme may harm! Take care!

  7. Bruko, my biggest problem is that this town is quickly running out of Swans! It's not possible to over dose Baroque, more should try it.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    ha haaa this one is great too:)and your stories too:)thanks for leaving comment on my blog,ill for sure come on yours whenever feel sad to make me laugh:)

  9. Nora, thanks your blog made me laugh!

  10. You are hilarious, witty, talented and an inspiration!! I hope that's not too much pressure :/ Thanks for your comments on my blog.

  11. just stumbled on your blog...I love it. just thought I tell you.

  12. Yes, you should definitely reconsider- just try another colour, maybe!
    It's been some time since i last visited your blog, lots of new smart and funny drawings!

  13. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Hello Amazing Swedish Guy,
    I put that drawing up on my art board as a sort of pin-up, but my husband forced me to take it down. Hubba-hubba!

    I've been away from blogging for two weeks and really missed your talent and sillyness.

    You get on these riffs, kind of like a jazz saxaphone player, and you play them until you have played them out completely. I like this new visual theme that you are playing with.

  14. nice elphants! really like it, you have some great posts on this blog. keep them coming.

  15. Oh, yes, this has excited me too much.

  16. I'll try another color, perhaps with a more somber tone. Thanks for your comments

  17. Anonymous5:53 PM

    where can I get a pygmy elephant?
    this is very cool, it suits you

  18. Perhaps you should consider quiting the blog business and start your own line of clothing??? Thank you for commenting on my blog Mr. Mattias!

  19. Starting my own cloth collection, that is a thought worth considering
