
Mattias Shoowroom #4, mum theres a Dandy in the garden

Some people like to relax at home, not thinking about their appearance. This is not for me. As the dedicated follower of fashion that I am, I never let my guard down. I see it as my duty to always look good. That's why when I do garden work, I like to dress the dandy way, in this regard my role models are Tennessee Williams, Mark Twain and dare I mention him, Ezra Pound.


  1. digging those threads. Though aren't you concerned about the necktie being caught in the blades - Isadora Duncan taught us that fashion can kill!

  2. I move with an amazing grace, with a control of every moment I assure you, there will be no "necktie related mishaps".

  3. Gosh, I couldn't walk in those heels, much less mow the lawn in them. I hope your fashion sense catches on (though not on the blades of course), it makes a refreshing change from the pretty 'boy band' look! Bravo!

  4. As I've heard being a Dandy is coming into fashion again, fools some cloth don't make the dandy, its pure DNA. It's all about practicing Felicity it took me greater part of my youth to learn to wear them, not to speak of the frequent beatings I had to take, but who's laughing now?

  5. oh, so it's more a DNAndy then?

    ho ho ho...

  6. Haha!!!This is so cool!!!!

  7. Love your monkey, dang you are really good at training them!! HE ! HE!!

  8. Very impressive. (i nod my head in an impressed way)

  9. Anonymous2:17 AM

    I hope you know I always check here for the pulse point of fashion. Love your latest in lawn wear!

  10. My monkeys are not that welled trained Alina, but they love to be on pictures
