
Mattias Showroom #5, at the beach

I like to relax when we go to the beach but not so much to forget my wellingtons the hat is great for sheltering my sensitive skin. The Future I've made some progress on my future Illustration I started here, and continued here And a big congratulations to Jason who finally reached a hundred posts today


  1. Welly good! That hat must be great for the cold and wet weather too. Does it float off if you go underwater?

    I like the use of colour in your illo. That airbus (?), top right, is an amazing feat of aeronautical engineering, rather like the bumble bee!

  2. No it stays put, I used to have a rubber duck when I was a bartender while studying Architecture. That's an airbus. Are you referring to the theory of the bumble bee, that it should be impossible for it to fly, but it gets airborne on pure will?

  3. Yes, is that how it works? What if there aren't enough passengers with enough will? Or the pilot is apathetic?

  4. Than it stays on the ground, its self regulated. People with now will, will have to choose other ways of transportation, Apathetic Air offers a broad array of flights to uninteresting places.

  5. It`s great, terrific, wonderful... I´m curious to see the next step:-) Which format has the future picture?

  6. 410x270mm, a spread. Danke well

  7. very nice senor.
    Liking the air traffic - one wonders about pollution figures if it's all powered by Will©™®

  8. Hi Mattias! this is my first time here! i like your drawing style! and i really adore this "Future" illustration! A little bit colour here and there.. that's great! Congratulations from Portugal!

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Wow, nice colors!

  10. I really want to live there!

  11. the future looks beautiful man , and the fact that only the vehicles n animals are colored gives it a really great feel.

    u r a monster illustrator my friend


  12. The future is not what is used to be, thanks for your kind words, don't no if I would like to live like this though, think of air rage (instead of road rage)

  13. Thanks for the mention, Mattias!
    Hope you enjoyed the party pack we gave to each of the guests...

  14. HA ! HA !! Funny illos!! Great to see the color version of your world!! :)

  15. PS. Don't wear that cute ducking hat in a crocodile rive though, croc likes cute juicy duck ... it may mistaken your hat for a duck and bite your head off ... we don't want that!! HA ! HA !! *Evil me!*

  16. Anonymous6:16 AM

    so so awesome mattias...

  17. No I have it as a rule not to go swimming in crocodile waters, call me old fashioned.
    thanks for your wonderful comments

  18. OMG!!This is so cool!!!!Love the future landscape!!!Perfect!!!Your watercolors RULES!!!!

  19. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The future watercolor is going to be wonderful. Great work. And thanks for the link to my site and your nice comments.

    But I still hate you for being so funny.

  20. yo sabía que en el futuro los elefantes iban a viajar mas comodos.

    era hora.
    Este dibujo es increible
