
Bird spotting

Trying to get the hang on the new Pen, different aspects of bird watching, (what a lame excuse of finding a theme) I shall try not to post anything this weekend, must learn to relax a little with this blogging thing. Hope you all have a nice weekend...


  1. Hi Matthias -- Happy New Year to you too.
    Good to see you've kept up producing quality work over the festive season (far too much to comment on... or I'm just lazy ;-).
    I agree -- nothing more frustrating than a pen one isn't comfortable with... can drive me insane!

  2. Thanks Rico, well I'm getting the hang of the new pen, it's not as smooth as my other pen, but the fineness of the line is quite nice. Shall try to do some color work this weekend and see how it turns out.
    Yes let's hope for a happier new year, shall we say about 20%, no let's say 22..

  3. Love the top illustration! I always feel very silly when the hairdressers show me the back of my head (isn't it vain to say yes my hair looks wonderful thanks?!) That's such a cute bird - is he looking for a bookworm?

  4. 1) I can't see anything when they hold up the mirror because they always remove my glasses.
    2) i checked out the new pen on the web and am puzzled that you're going to use permanent ink in it. This will surely destroy the pen?

  5. As it happens the ink is not waterproof I'm not drawing on cellulosa its made of cotton

  6. HA ! HA !! THese are wonderful!!
