
Watercolor moleskine

Just got it had to try it out, the format might take some time to get used to

The noble Art of blogging

First I get an idea I write it down and nail it to a tree In the evening a thought farmer harvest my ideas The Idea is then conceptualized by my Creative Executive Group in a all night meeting In the morning the concept is brought to one of my creative Directors He holds an audition. There's always plenty of actors milling around just outside of my blog-studio At the art department they work hard designing the suits and decor.. Early afternoon the suits and decor is in place and the actor can start their work. I used to use live animals but I had some union problems and had to use actors instead With the aid of state of the art Camera Obscura techniques, the drawing is produced I come in and give the masters touch to the piece of art It is then delivered to the computing department where it is lovingly scanned My resident poet then writes the text for the art And everything is delivered to a computer not far from you

Some serious shadow casters

Pavlova Kiwi Johhny Bullington Eggton Ella Jeeves

Motorized budgie

As of late I've not been able to fill my quota of Budgies (i.e budgies with power toys). To make amens I give you this perky little fellow complete with the power toy of choice for budgies.

Franz by IKEA

Just finished putting the coffee table Franz together! I just got some extra parts over, I'm a whiz at the IKEA stuff now

A day at the races

Made an Illustration larger than I use to the exhibition I'm part of: Hung by the sticky bits Hung By The Sticky Bits is a group exhibition of contemporary illustration that is about to hit australian shores. I hope it will reach Australia in time Beck Details: Have a nice weekend everybody...


Made a small illustration for a portuguese fiction fanzine

Essential hats

No wardrobe should be without at least a hat with demons and elephants

Cannon fodder

How come it's always the pigs that pay heed to safety regulations?

Confronting your worst fears

Have not been able to find any other papers then my moleskines as of late, Soon I'll find them amongst all the boxes


The blogging and drawing is put on slow for the moment trying to get our house livable is taking all time at the moment

Spur of the moment

Small commission work I did for the Swedish Tottenham hotspur supporters

New supplies

At last we've got Internet connection, everything is in boxes, my hand hurts from putting all the IKEA furniture together.

Family ties

Went down to Gothenburg over the day, managed to draw and find a connection to the Internet. Happy weekend!

One flew over the cuckoo's nest

There might be some lapse in posting this weekend everything is in boxes and we might be lacking an internet connection, have a nice weekend anyway.

Mens swimwear 2007

The Rockefeller The Fort knox the Gene Simmons the Tor Heyerdahl The Gordian knot Managed to go swimming yesterday, we had a wonderful view of Skokloster in the background