Robot week 4, hurlbot

More automats, I'm still on a minivacation, but the automatic blogger continues

Robot week 4

I'm on my way to the west coast (or I'm already there), we live on the Eastcoast of Sweden, autoblogger continues the work for a couple of days...

Happy birthday Rosa

Todays my youngest daughter Rosa's birthday, hip hip hurray! No robots today!

Robot week 2

As it happens this is my 700th post, this little fellow has helped me achieve this

Robot week

I've been drawing some robots just after breakfast this week just prior to the early morning walk with our dog Asta, maybe it's the regularity that makes me think of robots. More to follow during the week

Ulysses homecoming

I hope the story is familiar, it's all about problems with communications

Moleskine Nine

Filmed version of my 9th Moleskine sketchbook, can also be viewed in scanned form at Sketchbooks


Everybody needs a couple of companions when heading over troubled waters

Ride a white swan

I should have done other things yesterday but I ended up with a swan

European Football

There's a championship going on here in Europe, the game being Football (that's soccer to the majority of this blogs reader). In order to heighten the appeal to this game I propose some minor improvements to the game, first: Hide the ball (in order to make the players more alert) New modernized judges, (practically nothing has happened in this field since the games begun) New suits, to be more in line of cinematic experiences Make the arenas more reflect the countries where the championship are held, in this case Switzerland. To make the switch lesser from American football CSI Soccer, a more trilling approach to Soccer New sets of footballs, the round shape is so passé As it was created

make love not war

Capturing the bear, (by tradition we in Sweden fear the Russian bear) the Brave There's always a bigger gun Stalemate

Pink Droids

Eggbot Radiotron flexatron Not sure of the difference between robot and droid but I like variation

Where's the cats at?

Now in color Dog's in space part two, the first part I did well over ten ears ago in an old sketchbook. Color to come

Museum pieces

I have made some works for Väner Museum, one part was to make some sketches for some personalities from Swedish folklore. Koffa (one part boy the other part fish) he helped fisher bringing fish in Bäckahästen (a beautiful white horse that grew when kids jumped on him, making place for an unlimited amount of kids. When all kid's had mounted him he rode away, the kid's never to be seen again) Sjöfrun, she used half a boat (sound rather unpractical) treated right she gave fishers a good catch I'll return with the major part of this work, I have to see it in place.