Oh no more comets

Attended a meeting yesterday (not work related) my mind was blank, so I reused a rather common theme in my sketchbooks, comets.

Headline news

Time for a new header (if the coloring turns out OK), I though I give the house a rest...


I had some problems naming this one, I kept changing the focus on the image.


I used quite a lot of gold color on a commission work I did recently, it worked in the sketchbook as well. The ink refused to dry though when I tried to draw over the paint

Elephant desktop

I got a wish for a desktop of this image, I removed the fold but you have to make it suit your own resolution (make more space on the sides etc)

the Email hacker

My email account was hijacked yesterday, the hacker soon had sent out spam mails to everyone on my email list, sorry if you got one. Sometimes I think I'll switch to analog blogging instead... The reach is rather limited but you can stay clear of the horrific web.

mail hacked

My gmail account was just hacked sorry if you got any strange mail from me, I have changed my password now.

the speech bubble

I'm practising on speech bubbles, the next step in filling them with some real text. I did a short dip in comics the result can be seen in this publication: the passenger.

The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true

I was looking in a book on Dürer's drawings in one piece he had made a couple of chalices, that inspired me to do this. And remember: the pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon...

I put a ray on you

Back in the studio today, somehow I prefer the construction I did yesterday.

Reconstruction my studio while lying in bed

I've been a little unwell today so I stayed in bed most of the day, I took the time trying to draw my studio from memory, I think I managed quite well. I'll see how close I was tomorrow (I think I will have recovered enough by then)

Ray gun

I felt like doing an additional ray-gun, it was some time ago. The last one I did ended up as a tattoo, hopefully this one will not..

Sweet sixteen

Got round to counting my moleskine sketchbooks today, found out that I'm currently drawing in my 16th one (I bought the first one late 2006). As I usually do when I got moments of "why bother" and fail to produce anything I post an image of a pile of them. I gathered some highlights from them on this page: sketchbooks

Brackish water

Made while visiting gothenburg this weekend, finished it on the train. The trainshuffling made making the reflection easy. I used to do a lot of train drawing when I used to commute but finds it real hard to do nowadays.


that's Swedish for elephant...

Boredom got to me

I draw some pens instead of finishing the drawing, while watching Jesus Christ superstar on the television.

Cybernetic china

Traveling to Gotenburg (and to spring?) tomorrow (our old hometown). Autoblogger signs on for some automated posting-