I'll despute your theory for a century if I have to

Sometime new ideas take it's time until they get fully accepted, here's some examples. 1543-1758 1859-still being disputed 1912-1970 1600-1859 ? the question is, do we have the time to argue about global warming?

Reasons for why religions die out

1. Failing to modernizemount Olympus failing to computerize. And this weekend is the last chance to see our ongoing show! We'll be there waiting for you.

Listening to music

I've been listening to a lecture series from Yale University on how to listen to music (western music) . It's great to find that you can learn something you already thought you knew, there's more to listening to music than the ear hears .

You're to gullible

This is part of brief on a Gulliver's travel book I did earlier this fall for an English publisher, unfortunately the book was canceled. Better luck next time.. and I got paid for the work...

Zero tolerance

And remember our show is open an additional two weekends.

Post opening gloom

One problem with having an exhibition is being surrounded by your own material for a prolonged period the thought to produce yet more material is not very tempting (the thought being this sure must be enough for one lifetime). Luckily I have some stray sketches to post until (if) the urge to create comes back to me. So here's some random pirates:Captain Knit Captain Ant CEO Blood Dessert. And a big thanks to all you who spent some time at our show in Sigtuna this weekend, it's open two additional weekends.

Opening act

Just time for two images from the show opening, Ivar and Cecilia amongst the flowers And flipping the pages.

Best in show

The work is done, the show starts tomorrow, here's a sneak preview
Cecilia Levy & Mattias Adolfsson
Drawings, drawn objects, sketchbooks, Illustrations
the show opens Saturday 7th November 12-4pm
the show runs to the 22 November
OPEN SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS 12-4PM www.sigtunakulturgard.se

What can you show me?

We started hanging for our show today Putting the t-shirt inside out is as crazy as I go in fashion sense (note the 1000th post lottery image, I didn't get an answer from the winner. if you read this please mail me for your price) Cecilia hard at work making frames for her Pigeons.. In wait for the birds to arrive... Not yet caught Caught and ready to be hung (tomorrow hopefully) Trying to solve Fermat's last theorem with a folding rule... Highly strung... Asta yearning for Milou (Snowy)