Artistic suicide

A couple of days ago a bought the largest moleskine sketchbook (approx. four times larger then the ones I usually use), it will probably not be completed before I die. The paper seem not to be quite the same, my pen bleed a little more then usual so I will probably only use every other spread.


  1. WOW! it's huge! mutant moleskine!!!

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Wow. I'm looking forward to your big drawings! But will it be harder to start drawing in this big one?

  3. I can't wait to see what you come up with for this...

  4. Yes I think it will be harder to start drawing I have to sit at a table to draw, It will be very hard to scan

  5. marvelous! a page is a world!!

  6. Maybe you can use it for wallpaper after you're finished?

  7. I have one of those too Mattias. I agree on the paper quality/weight. I use mine only for pencil work. I also have the 8x10, I think that's the A4? That paper quality is more in line with the smaller moleskines and really like the size better. Anxious to see what you do with this Mattias!

  8. No the size is more a3+ I first was opting for the A4 one but in the end vent for the full distance.

    wallpaper is a good idea Terry

  9. All your little ones are absolutely amazing. I would expect that the huge one would be even better!!!! Looking forward to see the new drawings from the new sketchbook!

  10. Fascinating to see a half-done drawing - as a "straight in with the ink" girl such planning would drive me mad - but what results!

  11. I feel bad for your pain, but am happy for us readers! I can't wait to see the finished product on your giant moleskine!

  12. The beginnings of an amazing drawing. Again.

    I, for one, am very relieved to see that you pencil first. It somehow makes me feel less insecure about my own work.

    That notebook. Too big for a train journey, no?

  13. Now that's a big sketch book, good luck filling it up.

  14. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. But I want to buy a poster of it when it is all finished.

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Oh, wow!

  16. You are such an inspiration!!! ><

  17. How many pages does it hold?

  18. Anonymous11:42 PM

    UAU...I loooove this kind of suicides!!! :-D

    Maria Lopes

  19. it was really nice work! thanks a lot for sharing with us :)

  20. Yikes, that is big. Nice to see how this drawing is started. Good luck.

  21. I dislike the moleskine hype. Paper very average. Best of luck

  22. Oh my goodness. It's like Where's Waldo except much much better.

  23. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Fascinating. SO beautiful to look at.

  24. Yes! Crank out that awesomeness! Looking forward to your results.

    Definitely use every other spread in case, I didn't do that and ended up spoiling the previous page! :( Doh.

  25. I would never dare to use the first page. This is a very scarey size for a sketchbook.

  26. have enjoyed looking at your drawings very much this morning. inspiring, too, this big sketchbook of yours. agree about the moleskin paper hype thing, but hey, yes, why not just use every other spread.
