How Hannibal crossed the Alps

Ever wondered how Hannibal managed to bring African Elephants over the alps in order to invade Italy? The thing is, that he used Pygmy Elephants They do love the sea, the trip to Spain, was easy sailing indeed And how they took to Sangria Pygmy elephants are skilled skiers, crossing the alps a mere trifle And they do enjoy a good after ski Defeating the Romans was made by the ingenuity of Hannibal, unrivaled then as now And for enjoying the spoils of war, well pygmy Elephants have made an art of it. I'm taking a blogg break, will be back on Monday or tuseday.


  1. i really like these!! good show ol bean!

  2. Delightful illustrations. All these elephanst drinking is making me thirsty!

  3. Amazing stuff, you never seem to lack for brilliant ideas!

  4. thanks Lee, I'm more bean bag shaped.
    Maggie, better stay clear of the Sangria though!
    Thanks Felicity, some day they might end, but then I'll only reuse some of my old!

  5. that is too cute!

  6. That is a really well design elepahant up in teh top piece, the proportions rock!

  7. do u think magnifying glasses played an important role in all the wars of the past?? i loved the tiny elephants man, maybe he could have just painted them pink and played the drunk card on their enemys

    beautiful drawings as always

  8. hahaha! :D happy easter!

  9. Oh very uteerly brilliant. The top elephant is GORGEOUS!

  10. The blog's new look is cool! And love the pygmy elephants!!

  11. I know it!! I always tell people elepants are awesome,and they make good pets at home!! But no one listen!!

  12. the role of magnifiers in world history can't be understated..
    thanks all

  13. this little story is lovely. made me smile. i would love to own a pygmy elephant! your drawings are amazing-especially the helmets drawn on the train. fab.

  14. What charming illustrations! I love the colors and delightful critters!;)


  15. your stuff is REALLY good! i love it
