Pushing for my book

We still have copies of my book: "The first in line, from the sketchbooks of Mattias Adolfsson" (160 pages 48$ with world wide shipping) you can order it by sending a mail to the publisher: order@sanatorium.se, or I have some for sale over at my Etsy shop. To see more of the book in this post


  1. Jag har lagt in den som inköpsförslag till stadsbiblioteket i Uppsala.

  2. I have it. Anyone who doesn't have it should get it. It's great!

  3. Tips för nordbor: den kostar 22 euro + några euros frakt på Adlibris. Jag blev lite avskräckt av priset som syns på din blogg, men nu är den beställd och jag väntar på paket:-)

  4. Samt lämnar inget kvar till upphovsmännen får jag inflika om Adlibris, men tack

    thanks all

  5. Would love too, but at the moment I do not have the funds :(

  6. Just got mine recently from your Etsy shop and love it! While it's great seeing regular updates on your blog, I like having a collection in a book too.

  7. I'm going to order this soon. Have been between jobs, but now....
