Mobile Cityblock

More in the transportation series, thought a mobile home was thinking in to small terms, this one is not that environment friendly though

Is it the clothes that makes the man

Me and my daughters tried to print out some drawings and transferring them to t-shirts Olivia with curly coated dragon Rosa with Christmas motive New perwpectives Victory Asta is not to impressed and tries to look cool, hard though with that paper on her chin

Mobile home

Spent they day home with the influenza, made a mobile home very friendly for the environment. With all the trimming for the sophisticated traveller. Excellent for winter weather Worried about the ice caps melting? Not to worry it's got great buoyancy

sun worshippers

Today just a spread from my moleksine, most Swedes tend to love the sun.

Swedish Fondue

When Celebrating my 300th post I took the family to a restaurant not to far from this blog that makes the best "Swedish Fondue" if not in the world at least in Gothenburg. And as it happens they have a special offer for three hundred posts, a 30% discount! As you probably know I tend to design my own clothes, but now when Madonna has designed a collection for H&M we liked to do our part in helping the Swedish clothes industry. Swedish cosine and Swedish Fondue in particular is refined beyond what Italian and French cuisine only can dream of. The heart of a good Swedish Fondue is a rich brown gravy, made by a Graviliére. In this brown richness pieces of pickled herring is dipped and the consumed. Served with this a glass of chilled fermented milk, a true feast both for the body and the eye!

the 300th post

Spring hit our home city this weekend so I got little time for drawing. Well we had some celebration for the 300th post, more on that tomorrow. The Piggles have been with me for most of my blogging career so they are as excited as I am.


shamelessly reused this old post as an illlustration friday topic. I'll be back Monday with my 300th post, have a nice non-toxic weekend everybody! ps I used some pencil on this one!

In search for the non fat yogurt

I read of the fabled non-fat yogurt in a magazine and my lust for explorations woke again. This would be my most dangerous expedition yet, prior I'd only done arctic explorations, to reach the non fat yogurt i would have to pass three different climate zones and a Terra ignonito as well As every good explorer knows planning is of utmost importance in a venture of this scale. Saying goodbye is always hard, even harder when the exploring is dangerous at the start of the expedition, I'm taken by the seriousness of the moment...will I survive? My body is not used to the shear shock of the hotness and humidity of the first part of the trip. The natives seem to handle it better though At least theres plenty of food to eat and delicious Camping the first night me and my foldable dogs are in high spirit everything is going according to plans The second etapp goes through the desert Soon both me and my foldable dogs are feeling the lack of water The foldable dogs not being able to pull my wagon I'm left to manage on my own, I'm starting to think we will never make it. Luckily we find an oasis, the terra icognito is not as dangerous as i thought I take some time to make some small anthropology studies to study the natives. They seem to collect shiny cans of metal. The same night me and my dogs tries some of the cans, we find what's in them quite tasty The morning after finds me in a pitiful condition, is it swamp fever? To make matters worse, the food has disappeared And somehow my dogs have been rendered un-foldable over the night, another symptom of swamp fever? Together with the most flexible dog I enter the last stage of the expedition, we're entering the arctic region at last our goal is close At last I stand in front of the shrine of non fattening dairy products The yogurt almost blinds me with it's non fatty perfection The trip back was not very eventful, and the yogurt now is part of my growing collection.

the missing link

The pragmatist, and the cricket and the bullfly For the more text interested of you can pop over to Design Inspiration for a short (of, with?) me. Sometime I feel very un-English.

Re scanning

Been re scanning some drawings, have to find some fiscal use for my constant drawing. Hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow for some new drawings, I have a couple of comics brewing in my mind, a new explorer thingy, Cocco and Coca and soon it's time for post 300 this calls for fried swans for everybody!

Your perspective on things are skewed

I rotated it in photoshop the drawing is skewed with a slant of 30 degrees, next time I will use pencil! (the forbidden technique) drawing skewed nags on the nerves.

Socializing in front of the old cathedral

Tried to scan the moleskine sketch in black and white for a change Hope you all had nice weekends, I went swimming with the kids, 3 and a half hours in the water sure takes it toll.

Tilted, work in progress

Updated saturday evening Maybe the tilt is influenced from the third man, we'll see how it ends.