glimpses from my life

A selection of birds takes turns in trying to wake me up each morning, starting with the gentle singings of the humming birds ending with the northern mockingbird.
Having depleted all the online courses on iTunesU. I now use a system of intern professors, each taking their turn enlightening me.
As all professional illustrators knows the quality of the draughtsman is not measured by the lines he draws but on the amount of pens he has. As you can see I'm a very good draughtsman
Coming up with new posts for my mediocre blog is much easier since I installed the motive wheel, I made mine myself but I hear you can get them from IKEA now.


  1. Ha! Must make a motive wheel, such a swell idea, Mattais.

  2. I really like your drawings. This one is really funny.

  3. I hope that's a doggy ipod rather than Asta in trouble.

  4. Asta had to use a collar for two weeks due to a small operation, luckily she no longer need it.
    thanks all

  5. IKEA motive wheel! Brilliant!

  6. That's what I need. An Ikea wheel.
    Thank you.

  7. need the wheel!!!! I used the open random page in dictionary approach but it is very hard to illustrate Insipid

  8. I need one of those once in awhile. Wonderful drawing!
