
I will put some wash to this piece and I might get back to large walking houses. Their lives are well worth describing, maybe something for Sir David Attenborough the Lines


  1. Fantástico trabajo.
    Y esta ilustración en concreto es genial!!

    great work!!

  2. It is impressive all this talent and this productivity... good continuation...

  3. I love these big walking houses! So immaginative, how wonderful.

  4. Maybe it's difficult to live in these moving houses, but...hey, we live in a dynamic society and your drawings are beautiful!

  5. I am pleased to see that your house is wearing his Y fronts.

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hi. very good work. Super!
    I do not know English very well, but I want to say that the work of ecstatic:)

  7. The cool grim colors work really well here.

  8. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I love your work. Your confidence in pen reminds me of Sergio Aragonés and his crowd scenes.

    I am curious about how you draw. Are you planning all the time what you will draw next or do you just end up where the pen takes you? Every time I draw directly in ink, I come to a point where I want to back track or draw something in front of the lines I just drew.

    I have watched your videos and I learned a lot from those, but if you have written about this part of you process anywhere, could you direct me there? thanks.

  9. Thanks all
    When doing something very complex I tend to make a thin pencil sketch, there's nothing special about the process though it's to random to be a process

  10. I loved!!! Congratulations! =)

    What kind of paper do you use in this work?
