lines lines lines

Work in progress, it made my hand hurt inking this one..


  1. Lite nyfiken bara ... var börjar du? Mitt i eller i kanten? Har du en tanke om hur det ska se ut från början eller låter du handen "gå"?
    Fantastiskt tecknat, som alla dina bilder!

  2. My hand is cramping just thinking about it, but I love all the detail.

  3. I think you have outdone yourself this time. My hand aches for you! Can't wait to see it done!

  4. eeek - no wonder!

  5. ...a visual treat. I say, put on a brace and carry on! We all want more! :)

  6. Oh my) Smth incredible))

  7. This is a particularly fascinating drawing, which gets at the core attraction I find in all your drawings: at a superficial level, it all 'reads' right, meaning, my mind says something silly like "Look at all those interesting windows!". And then I look closer, and I see mr Cthulhu, or a clock, or a spiral column, and my mind is still convinced it is real. I used to wonder, "How does he do this without a pencil guide line?". Now I simply accept that you do it.
